My Alchemy

Hi my love!
Welcome to my little world.
I am an artist of life who believes our experiences are a way to paint lessons, blessings, and growing opportunities.
What I offer and how I show up in this world is a direct manifestation of my own journey.
It is my life's work to be of service, helping support others on their healing path as well as continue to splash color and creativity on as many canvas's I can.
I find my own foundation to be fueled by presence, connection, travel, yoga, healing modalities, Adventure, herbal medicine, water wisdom, and do my best to be a catalyst to spreading love and light.
During this time, creating art and practicing Reiki/sound has my full attention.
however, it is not unusual to find me teaching yoga, holding women's circles, officiating weddings, and providing nourishing food for wellness retreats... I just like to do all the things I love!
I believe in shared wisdom and infinite possibilities.
I look forward to being of service to you.
Much love,